Postnatal Massage.

Anyone that knows me will tell you that I am a huge advocate of #postnatal #massage. 😌

Having had two children myself, I firmly believe if there’s ever a point in a woman’s life when she needs a good massage, its when she’s just had or is caring for a #baby. 🤱 💛 I could go on and on for days about all the reasons I think postnatal massage is so important, so I’ve tried to rein myself in a little bit and narrow it down to my top three. 🙂

1. #Body image and #grounding.

Your body has just been through this huge event and this can leave some women feeling a #disconnect. 🤔

During the course of #pregnancy your body is #changing in ways which are both #beautiful but can also be alarming at the same time. Your body now has another purpose rather than just serving you, it’s now growing life. 🤰

Pregnancy is a selfless act. You are restricted as to what your body do and what you can put into your body. Every every decision that you make has a direct consequence on you and your little one. There are often discomforts and it puts a lot of pressure on a woman’s body. But once the child arrives does it mean you get your body? Sadly no, not quite yet 🥺, especially if you are #breastfeeding and/or, #attachment #parenting. This is where the disconnect can come into play. And this is why I think massage can help. It grounds you it relaxes you, it gives you a moment of stillness where you can reflect on what an incredible thing your body has done and is doing. ☺️🧡It’s almost like a little #debrief and a check in with your new #postbirth body. Cause after pregnancy and birth the majority of us, will never be quite the same again, and that’s okay, it just takes a bit of getting used to. 😊💕

2. #Posture

Sore shoulders from feeding? Babies are super tough on your back, 😬 sorry there is just no way round it. All the bending, lifting, twisting, #carrying. And don’t get me started on the ‘nap traps’ 😆. We’ll suffer any awkward position, to not wake the baby. The core has been compromised during pregnancy and it takes a bit of time (a lot of time if your me 😆) to get that back. So in the  #postnatal period your lower back is working extra hard. 🧡

Massage helps address all those aches and pains, soreness and stiffness.

3. #Nurturing

During pregnancy the level of care we receive is outstanding in this country, 💛 but once the baby arrives the focus (quite rightly) switches from you to your little one. 🍼But who’s looking after mum?

You’re poring love and nurture, into this beautiful tiny baby but at some point you need to fill your self back up! 💕To take care of others you need to take care of yourself. Happy mum, happy baby. Motherhood is the most #incredible experience but it’s also #relentless and probably the hardest thing you’ll every do. You have to be match fit both physically and mentally and #selfcare is a huge part of our #mentalhealth at this stage. 💫Your baby needs you to be the best version of you. So you come to me and I nurture you! 💆‍♀️

There is so much more to postnatal massage including help with diastasis recti, or c section scaring. But those are blogs for another day. 😆

Photo is of Gemma and her beautiful little boy enjoying a postnatal massage together. Yes if you need to you can bring your little one one with you. 🥰