Womb Massage, Fertility Massage, Woman’s Health Massage.

Womb Massage; is a non-invasive, gentle and yet deep massage.  Covering the upper & lower abdomens and digestive system, from the diaphragm to the pubic bone and the upper & lower backs and glutes. It focuses on improving circulation to the abdominal organs, with an aim to improve blood, nerve and lymph flow. 

Energetically you will be nurtured and held in a safe space, with techniques that blend beautifully to create a nourishing flow of feminine energy. This encourages and allows you to release deep seated emotions and for them to flow freely. The treatment is designed to re-awaken and reconnect women to their bodies and their womb space, and leave them feeling whole, centred, grounded and balanced.

What does it entail?

The massage performed is a blend of different techniques, that when combined bring balance and harmony to the reproductive, digestive and sacral areas.

  • Pulsing is a rhythmic, rocking form of bodywork where the woman is gently and rhythmically rocked at approximately 120-160 beats per minute, which is the same as the heartbeat within the womb. Pulsing releases physical responses to emotional traumas, increases blood and lymphatic circulation throughout the whole body, which is essential for good health and function. Finally Fascia that wraps around every muscle & organ within the body is gently encouraged to release. This also allows the movement of a misaligned womb to gently shimmy back into her rightful place.

  • Acupressure is the massage of important acupuncture points. The finger tip is used instead of the needles with great effect.

  • Rebozo massage is a technique, which uses the Mexican shawl Rebozo to rock the body in order to release tensions. To complete each session, the Rebozo is used to wrap the woman’s body. The woman is left feeling centred and grounded safe and held.

What are the benefits?

This treatment is for all women at any point in their lives, supporting the female journey from menarche to menopause and beyond. From fertility to baby loss, painful periods to endometriosis, constipation to IBS, and so much more.

Reproductive Problems

  • Painful or irregular menstrual cycles/ovulations

  • Bladder infections

  • Miscarriage

  • Menopause/Peri Menopausal

  • Fertility Problems

  • PMS

  • Ovarian and Breast Cysts

  • Fibroids

  • Migraines linked to menstruation

  • Endometriosis and internal scaring from c-sections

  • PCOS

Emotional Trauma

  • Sexual Trauma

  • Birth Release (Miscarriage, Abortion, Still or Live Birth)

  • Stress

  • Held in Emotions

  • Childhood Trauma

  • Maternal Line issues

Digestive Problems

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhoea

  • IBS

  • Bloating

  • Stomach cramps