Shamanic Energy Medicine.
Shamanic energy medicine is a beautifully enriching way to let go of old patterns, trauma and empowers you to step into a new way of being. The process of the healing comes from you, the client. If you feel stuck and have a feeling of repeating the same patterns or stuck in a negative loop, if you feel pulled of course, running on a treadmill of life and going nowhere, perhaps losing sight of who you are or feeling overwhelmed, this medicine is for you!
This energy medicine delves into the story we tell ourselves; the story can be that which holds us in a trauma, or stuck energy, a negative diatribe or self-talk. This can originate from those parts of ourselves that we deemed not safe to be shown in the world when we were children growing up, the expectations of society, family and our culture. So, we hide them away and put on masks that we feel fit in the world, but as we grow, these masks get harder to wear and can cause disharmony to our lives, our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies and soul’s journey. This powerful energy medicine works with the elementals and nature in a synchronistic way.
There are many tools that can be used during a session, predominantly its about alleviating negative energy or huca from the body and light energy field. But also, about letting go of the old story or belief and bringing in a more authentic energy and belief, one that is written by your soul’s journey, your true self that self which you were always meant to be. Bringing in the missing jigsaw pieces and resembling them to their rightful place to make a whole new journey, the one that is true to your soul and one that aligns with what brought you here.
When we work with the energy medicine, we bring forth a more authentic self and rediscover and our gifts and talents and more importantly taking back our own power, this is not in an ego way, but more about our own power that we give away to others, traumas and exploits that no longer serve us and our journeys. We are able to change the world for the better by working on the disharmony within ourselves first, letting go of the old contracts that bind us and hold us in toxic or painful relationships. By letting go of the old stories we are able to live in a new story, one that ripples out beauty, truth and love into the world, so we are able to live our true destiny.
During the session we'll work with ancestral, past life connections, soul retrieval, illuminations, energetic extractions and any heavy energies through various techniques. I’ve worked with trauma and heavy energies for a few years now, as a reflexologist, reiki practioner and more recently as a shamanic practioner, studying with Spirit of the Inca and Chris Waters.
Your soul knows the way, the way of healing, my role is not to heal you in the way I think you need healing, but rather holding you in a safe welcoming space and letting your true beautiful self unfold through this powerful work and assist you in letting go of all that which prevents you from living in your truth, but also disengaging that fight and flight response, that which holds us in the limbic brain where we can live in fear or anxiety on a daily basis.
Book in with me, Jo, to reignite your true fire!
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.
Benefits include deep relaxation promoting a calm, peaceful sense of wellbeing, on all levels. Regular Reiki treatments promote a calmer response to life’s challenges, and regular sessions may help to promote development of a healthier, more resourceful state of being and mental clarity.
Reiki’s gentle energy is easily adapted to most medical conditions and may be used safely by people of all ages, from new-born babies to the frail and the elderly. It is widely used with pregnant mothers, surgical patients and can promote self-healing for an array of health conditions and trauma.
Scientific research findings may help us to understand how Reiki healing works
There is much to learn but research is producing very interesting results:
• When giving Reiki, practitioners have been shown to emit electro-magnetic or bio-magnetic energy from their hands. The frequencies of the energy emitted vary from one moment to the next; but many appear to correspond to those that medical researchers have identified as being the optimum frequencies for stimulating the healing process in tissues, bones and other body parts so far investigated.
• The bio-magnetic energy (or field) flowing from a practitioner’s hands has been shown to induce current flows in the tissues and cells of individuals who are in close proximity, but this pulsing energy is not produced by non-practitioners of energy healing techniques.
Two ways in which these pulsing magnetic fields may stimulate repair of bone and other tissues include:
• A cascade of reactions takes place from the cell surface to the cytoplasm and on to the nucleus and genes, where selective effects on the DNA have been documented.
• A phenomenon called amplification, in which a single hormone molecule, neurotransmitter or photon of electromagnetic energy has been shown to trigger a cellular response; and in fact, very tiny fields have been shown to produce the best effects, suggesting that living tissues are much more sensitive to external fields than previously considered possible.
NB: A bio-magnetic field can also be created by passing electric currents through living tissue as has been used for medical diagnoses and treatments for almost a century for example in ECG & MRI scanning.